Safe and Secure Digital Banking

At Heritage Online Bank, we understand the importance of financial planning for individuals and businesses alike.


Active users around the world

About Heritage Online Bank

Heritage Online Bank was developed by a team of experienced financial planners and technology experts.

Our services include comprehensive financial planning, investment management, retirement planning, tax planning, and more. We provide customized solutions that cater to your unique needs and financial objectives.

Our Partners

Streamline your budgeting and saving

At Heritage Online Bank, we understand the importance of financial planning for individuals and businesses alike. Our team of expert financial planners is committed to helping you achieve your financial goals and secure your financial future.




We help you decide how to best spend your money while avoiding or reducing debt.


Debt Assistance

Debt Assistance

As a reputable credit counseling institution, we can give you advice on managing your debts.


Investment Planning

Investment Planning

We match your financial goals and objectives with your financial resources.


Retirement Planning

Retirement Planning

We allocate your savings or revenue for retirement therefore helping you to achieve financial independence.

What our users said

Smart, simple financial planner.

Whether you’re looking to plan for retirement, save for your child’s education, or invest in your future, we have the expertise and tools to help you succeed.

Ready to take control of your financial future?

Contact us today to learn more about our expert financial planning services and to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced planners.